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selector [url]

Opens a url in a web browser and returns the matching HTML elements.



The url for the request. (type: string)



Used to append the results from a previous stage to the current stage. (provide a label, stage index, or boolean true to append the previous results)


array of JSON encoded values to pass to expression as input


A boolean value of true/false that determines whether or not to use the cache. Generally most commands will default to true.


Format: "{CHECKPOINT NAME}:{COLUMN}" Used to store the value of the provided column (in the first row of results) in the provided name for use as a checkpoint in scheduled queries or other stages. Not encrypted. Can be accessed using $CHECKPOINTS.{CHECKPOINT NAME}$


JSON serialized Cookie values to set pre-request


device to emulate, see devices command


extract dimension calculations from matching elements. NOTE: Running certain selectors like '*' can with dimension enabled can have performance implications due to DOM thrashing.


css selector engine; "dom" or "jquery"


Enriches each result row with the previous row. The previous columns will be appended with a _previous.


javascript expression to evaluate after completion ES6 fat-arrow format with an argument of data passed (example "(data)=>>item.innerText)")


A filter to run on the command results before completing the command. If not provided, no filter is run on the results.


screenshot format type (jpeg or png)


Starts the stage as if it was a fresh query, so will not use any previous result.


Adds a populated random guid column.


extract innerHTML and outerHTML from matching elements and hash the values using the sha1 algorithm. NOTE: Running certain selectors like '*' with --hashtml enabled can have performance implications.


JSON header values to set pre-request


extract innerHTML and outerHTML from matching elements. NOTE: Running certain selectors like '*' with --html enabled can have performance implications.


inject jquery library in last object argument passed to expression (example "(data, { $ })=>$('a').html()


Used to label a stage with a user provided label.


JSON sessionStorage values to set pre-request


inject lodash library in last object argument passed to expression (example "(data, { })=>)


inject mathjs library in last object argument passed to expression (example "(data, { mathjs })=>mathjs)


Override for the system max concurrent workers for a stage.


The index of the argument to store the pagination context.


The key to store the pagination context in the argument (assumes key value is JSON).


The value of thats indicates that pagination is complete.


Filter the results using a filter expression.


The flag to store the pagination context.


The key to store the pagination context in the flag (assumes key value is JSON).


Maximum number of pages visited.​

The location within the results set describing the location of the next set of results. If not a complete URL, use the --pagination.url to construct the url using a token


The url of the next set of results, which can include a token to substitute in the value selected by If blank, the url is assumed to be contained in the value described by


Parse all HTML table elements into results


The URI for a http, https, socks(v5), socks5, socks4, or pac proxy


screenshot compression/quality for jpeg only


Randomizes the stage hash, even if args and flags are the same.


number attempts to sucessfully run the following task


take a screenshot of page


CSS selector expression


capture session information; cookieStorage, localStorage and sessionStorage


JSON serialized sessionStorage values to set pre-request


Controls if a stats calculation is run on a stage after it completes.


A comma separated list of columns to include in the command results. If not provided, all columns will be included.


Each command has a default type, either "mapping" or "reducing". Some commands can operate as either, when "reducing" they will operate on all rows at once, when "mapping", they will operate on one row at a time.


Format: "{VARIABLE NAME}:{COLUMN}" Used to store the value of the provided column (in the first row of results) in the provided name for use as a variable in other stages. Can be accessed using $VARIABLES.{VARIABLE NAME}$. Stored as an encrypted secret. Not stored across queries.


Wait criteria before resolving page load. Think of it as when to take a snapshot of browser data. window.onload: open --wait 'winload'

DOMContentLoaded: open --wait 'domload'

No more than 0 network connections for at least 500 ms. open --wait 'idle'

No more than 2 network connections for at least 500 ms. open --wait 'net2'

Element with matching selector exists: open --wait '.enjoying-it'

Wait for 30 seconds: open --wait 3000

Run the following fat-arrow ()=> until returns truthy: open --wait '()=>true'

'winload' - consider navigation to be finished when the window load event is fired. 'domload' - consider navigation to be finished when the DOMContentLoaded event is fired. 'idle' - consider navigation to be finished when there are no more than 0 network connections for at least 500 ms. 'net2' - consider navigation to be finished when there are no more than 2 network connections for at least 500 ms. <integer> - the number of milliseconds to wait for. <()=>expression> - the function to be evaluated in browser context. <cssselector> A css selector of an element to wait for.


Will rerun the stage until the provided expression is valid for the first line of results.
