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Converting an HTML Page to an Article

An HTML document can be easily converted to an article using the parseArticle command.

Let's take a look at an example.

Example 1​

Full Query​

open --html
|| filter "(nodeName == 'HTML')"
|| parseArticle outerHTML

Stage 1: Open a web page​

open --html

Open a web page in a browser and wait for all JavaScript and external assets to load. We use the -html flag to include the HTML source of the rendered web page for each returned element.

NOTE: The -html flag has speed implications as it includes both the outerHTML and innerHTML per element.

Stage 2: Filtering for the HTML document​

|| filter "(nodeName == 'HTML')"

The filter will find and match all rows that are HTML elements.

Stage 3: Parse/convert the html document to an article dataset.​

|| parseArticle outerHTML

The HTML document will be parsed and converted into a data set that will contain multiple article columns and the hash of the content.